In the midst of the big electrification era, new fossil-free vehicles pop up every now and then in the world of mobility. One recent variant is the ”snowbikes” from French start-up MoonBikes, which is now available on the Scandinavian market.
The electric playful bikes came to life when founder Nicolas Muron’s realized that winter vehicles have tendencies of being unhandy, environmentally unfriendly and loud. So, in 2015 he started working on the bikes in his garage in the French Alps and after hundreds of prototypes, the finished product was finished.
— We have developed a unique design that combines the freedom found in an e-bike, with the power of a motorcycle. It is hard to deny the magic sensation of riding through the snow — while actually hearing the snowfall, says Nicolas Muron.
The bikes’ unique front ski means better flexibility and agility and offers a more playful approach to the otherwise larger and more direct snowmobile. The single 2.5 kWh battery provides around 1 hour of riding time but can be doubled with an optional extra battery. Perhaps not a vehicle for the average Scandinavian’s morning commute, but rather a playful and silent way to dart through ski towns.