As head of the research and development team, Alina Farkas leads the creation of skincare products for Reviderm, which has focused on innovative and highly effective salon cosmetics as well as cosmetic devices for salon beauty procedures for around 30 years.
— We’re employing, for instance, radiofrequency technology as well as skincare products with a ’medical claim’, she says. In skincare, we target to produce highly concentrated and skin-compatible products, that are also ’biomimetic’ — mimicking nature — which provides our customers with fast visible results, yet also take into consideration the aspects of sustainability and principles of green chemistry.
You just launched your new Pure Power Shots. What makes them so special?
— They’re an excellent example of our company philosophy — highly dosed, highly effective yet very well tolerated blends of ingredients, tailored to the customer’s individual needs. They are built on the general ’less is more’ principle: only necessary ingredients which work in synergy to achieve the best results in anti-ageing (peptide tightening ampoule), glow (speed glow ampoule), or moisturization (HYAL plumping ampoule). Our customers take great interest in products that are easy to apply, work fast, and deliver quick results — that was the goal of developing them.

After this release, what’s next?
— We will broaden our portfolio of skin products with our signature ingredient, the OPC ester, as well as position ourselves stronger in the area of acidic peels, Farkas concludes.