Louisiana presents new exhibition with Mamma Andersson
Ranked as one of the most important painters of her generation, this is the first large-scale show of the Swedish artist at a Nordic museum in several years.
18 Jun 2021

Featuring close to 60 works, including 10 new works especially for the exhibition, Humdrum Days was created in close collaboration with the artist. Designed as a survey, the exhibition cuts across chronology, highlighting Mamma Andersson’s main artistic devices and providing a comprehensive introduction to her central subject matter.

— Mamma Andersson is an eminent interpreter of the unique language of painting. With a sharp sense of mood, colour, and materiality, she has developed a personal take on the classical genres of painting. Still lifes, interiors and landscapes are at the crux of her work, executed with powerful colours and a distinctive rawness that situates her work in the artistic here and now, comments Marie Laurberg, curator, continuing,

— There is an almost cinematic suspense to many of her paintings. A scenic sense of a place where something is going to happen or has just happened. The unique atmosphere of her landscapes is built on source imagery, including archive photos of crime scenes, whose mood she masterfully transfers to the canvas.

Photo: Lucy Dawkins. Courtesy of the Artist, Galleri Magnus Karlsson, Stephen Friedman Gallery, and David Zwirner

Humdrum Days is on view in Louisiana’s East Wing until October 10