Leading Scandinavian architecture firms 3XN and Link amplify Copenhagen hospital
Designed to last in sickness and in health.
25 Sep 2020

Rigshospitalet, based in central Copenhagen, opened it’s newly built north wing earlier this week. The design is the result of a close collaboration between Norwegian LINK, Danish 3XN and Swedish Sweco, making for a remarkable Scandinavian architectural coalition.

In order to blend in with its central Copenhagen surroundings the facade is draped in glass and natural light stone material, and the side of the building that faces residential blocks is lower than the higher side that faces the hospital.

The new section is simple yet effectively built on a series of folded V-structures all tied together by a transversal link. This ensures optimal logistics and proximity between the hospital’s different units and therefore minimizing the walking distances for hospital staff.

The glass laden building front faces Fælledparken and make for natural views for staff and patients. This also means a lot of natural light that will light up the green hospital wing.

— We are happy to inaugurate the new wing, which marks a major step for a more contemporary and spacious Rigshospital. We’ve have had a constructive collaboration with architects, engineers and interior designers, staff and patient needs, says hospital director Per Christiansen in a statement.